Our Online Couples Therapy Retreat programme is saving marriages and relationships all over the UK and the world.
With unprecedented stress being placed upon relationships it is little wonder that nearly 50% of marriages in the US end in divorce and separation. So, what therapeutic magic can be woven during these times of stress and uncertainty? What are the tips we can pass on from our Couples Retreat programme?
No matter who you are, or what your situation, here are 6 tips from online couples therapy that will improve your relationship:
The Big Six
Think about all the stresses and strains which are piled upon you and your partner right now. There are very few of us who had a great year and many of us are simply doing our best to get through the next. It is not surprising, in these unprecedented times that we need everything and anything that a good couples retreat, whether online or face to face, has to offer.
So for starters, try to place all the stresses and strains on one side for the moment and remember what attracted you to your partner in the first place.
There maybe a few simple things such as the way they looked, or something about their personality, or the way they made you feel. When you begin to think about it, you will probably remember loads of things about your partner when you first met. Those things are still there, but maybe hidden away, buried under layers of new anxieties and stress.
Give yourself a few minutes to remember what first attracted you to your partner, and, when you are ready, write down at least six things.
The Space Race
Overnight, many of us had our lives turned completely upside down. Suddenly, from being an active, working nation most of us were stranded at home looking at each other all day and wondering when we would all get back to normal. The longer it went on, the more we realised that this was a new normal.
Living in each others pockets suddenly became the norm and suddenly relationships quickly began to fray and unravel. Our online couples therapy retreat programme had never been so busy. Overnight we stopped all our face to face counselling retreats and life coaching holidays and moved everything online. The one programme which was really in demand was the online couples therapy retreat. We had a 6 week waiting list!
What became immediately apparent was the amount of time couples were spending together. Many of us were spending 24 hours a day 7 days a week together which is not easy, or particularly balanced. It’s little wonder any of us survived.
Make sure you are able to give each other some space, especially if you are both working from home. Allow each other to persue your own interests. It’s not a crime to have an interest which your partner does not share. Allow yourself and your partner space to be interested.
Obviously the amount of time which is spent apart varies from couple to couple, but it is different for all of us and is really about what works best for you. It may well need a little trial and error until you achieve the right balance, but with perseverance, you will find the right balance and it will make a massive difference to your relationship.
You can read more about our own Online Couples Therapy Retreat just here:
Sharing and Caring
This is almost the opposite from the above. What do you both share?
In Wales they say that people who sing together stay together, but that’s the Welsh for you. But, there is something in this. If we share interests and hobbies, whether it’s a love of horror films, wildlife and bird spotting or even Chinese takeaways, whatever it is, the important element is that we have a shared interest which brings us closer.
So, be mindful of your shared interests and make sure that you create time to persue them together. All together now, after a count of four…
Personality Profile
This is a bit unusual and something you won’t read about elsewhere in an article about online couples therapy!
In counselling psychology there are few indisputable facts, one of these is that we all have a personality.
For some reason this is often overlooked in counselling and couples therapy, but it does of course play a central role in how we are able to improve our relationship. This is why all of our customers are invited to complete a personality profile questionnaire.
Without a clear understanding of your personality profile it’s difficult to work out what can and can’t be changed in a relationship. As you might imagine, some personalities fit together like a hand and glove while other fit together like a hand and sledgehammer, ie, they don’t.
In these situations couples have to make adjustments and compromise. It’s not the end of the world, but much better than banging your head against a brick wall.
There are many online personality profiles now available. We will happily make ours available to you if you contact us. It comes as a standard part of our couples therapy retreat and is invaluable to help create a workable relationship counselling plan.
Teams and Partnerships
During difficult times it’s easy to forget that a relationship is also a partnership. Does your relationship feel like a partnership? Or does it feel as though you are both miles apart in different worlds?
The best relationships are like the best teams, they work together, compensate for each others strengths and weaknesses, they share aims and goals, celebrate successes, feel unified and importantly, they are forgiving and understanding.
Write a list of qualities which your team/ partnership currently has and also another list of qualities which you would like your team to work towards acquiring.
Simple Kindness: An Online Couples Therapy Retreat Basic
Recently, Harvard University included an interesting little question in their application form; “when was the last time you demonstrated kindness.” It’s an odd question for an academic institution, but shows the importance they place on simple kindness. We also encourage simple kindness and sensitivity as part of our online couples therapy retreat. It is important.
Try to perform an act of kindness towards your partner on a daily basis. It doesn’t have to be huge or grand and could be as simple as making your partner a cup of tea without being asked. Some simple acts of kindness go a long way in repairing a broken relationship.
I hope this has been helpful, do contact us for the personality profile, or indeed if you feel that our Online Couples Therapy Retreat may be helpful to you.
You can read more about it here through Responsible Travel:
Thanks for reading.
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