By Chrissy Richman. Have you ever occasionally hated the person you share your life with? For all of us the recent enforced lockdown has blast tested our relationships, and many of us have discovered that what keeps us together is actually space apart. It's a bewildering conundrum. Is it right? Is it healthy or a sign of imminent divorce? Basically, is it normal to want to kill your husband? Firstly, I must … [Read more...]
6 Must Ask Couples Therapy Questions
I was recently asked to do some couples counselling in London and was surprised to hear that the first Monday back after the Christmas and New Year break is commonly known between divorce lawyers and counsellors involved with couples therapy, as Divorce Monday on account of the extremely high rate of divorce requests logged after the festive season. The highest number of divorce requests comes from couples in their … [Read more...]
How To Survive Your Partner’s Affair
Isn’t it shocking that in the UK over 50% of marriages ends in separation or divorce. It’s little wonder that we’re all so stressed, and in and out of couples therapy. Discovering that your partner has had an affair is one of the most shocking things to have to deal with, and rather than just pretend that I have all the magic answers, I thought it would be helpful simply to pass on some things which have helped the … [Read more...]
6 Things That Relationship Counselling Will Give You
Quite often I am asked whether relationship counselling will actually help, or what will be gained from our couples therapy retreat. These are excellent questions, and I would ask exactly the same thing. Yesterday, just before someone made their final booking with us they asked if I could send them exactly what they would get out of their 7 day couples retreat. So, this is a version of what I wrote. Here are six … [Read more...]
Cutting The Bullshit Out Of Relationship Counselling
Okay, so here’s the thing. Let’s imagine that some boffin has invented an infallible counselling therapy that’s guaranteed to fix any relationship, it’s a miracle cure. No matter how bad things have got, whether you are both screaming at each other and throwing kitchen cutlery around, or trying to resolve problems quietly and sensibly, this magic counselling therapy will cure all ills and smooth the most turbulent of … [Read more...]
How To Save Your Marriage: A Three Step Couples Therapy
There are a few ingredients that are essential for successful relationship counselling. If they are missing it's like trying to make a cake without flour and eggs, all you are left with is some marzipan and icing sugar and nothing in the middle. And, as they say, marzipan doth not a marriage make. So here are the magic ingredients to making your relationship work again: Commitment Both of you need to be … [Read more...]
Thinking of Relationship Counselling or Marriage Guidance?
Do you know anybody who has not had relationship problems? I don’t know if I do. I would have to think long and hard to come up with names. The best I can do is our very elderly next door neighbour, affectionately known by our children as Nanny Margret. Mind you, I say this in complete ignorance of her earlier married life, which, for all I know, could have been as stressed and as difficult as many relationships … [Read more...]
How Couples Therapy Works
David Bowie was the master of self change. He was whoever he wanted to be. I'm not going to attempt to suggest that we are all talented, magical song writers, but guess what, we can all affect huge changes in our lives, whenever we are ready. It is also widely researched and true to say that if people really want something, including repairing a damaged relationship, healing hurt and pain, finding a new path, … [Read more...]
Relationship Counselling Holiday: 6 Things We Guarantee
Our counselling and life coaching holidays, along with our couples therapy retreat are unique. We didn’t mean them to be, we just wanted to create something which we felt was really needed; an opportunity to get away from day to day life, stay in a beautiful five star location and sort out your problems once and for all. After ten years of running life change holidays this simple idea is still at the very heart of … [Read more...]
6 Things You Should Think About Before Your First Relationship Counselling Session
Is your relationship in trouble? Has it reached the point where it needs some serious sorting out to make it work again? Relationship Counselling is important and to get the most from it, it maybe worth considering some important things before you embark upon your first session. Relationship Counselling is not something that is done to you but something which you are part of and the better prepared you are, the … [Read more...]